Le terme « lesbienne » signifie . . .
Musings on the word "lesbian" from a lesbian in her 80s and how lesbian lives hid in plain sight.
Comment nous avons appris les comportements liés aux rôles sexuels dans les années 1940
‘Around us lived other girls and boys and we played together on the street, which was safe enough because there was no traffic; fuel was needed for the war effort and cars were up on blocks, their tyres removed. We preschool boys and girls played the same games using the same few toys. Still, there were differences.’
Nos Récits
Nous avons recueilli des témoignages de personnes appartenant à la communauté homosexuelle, afin de documenter et de préserver le caractère unique de notre histoire et de notre culture. Ces histoires sont désormais à votre portée.