Sortir de l'ombre... et y retourner ?
Michael David Michael David

Sortir de l'ombre... et y retourner ?

‘It is sometime in the late 1980s. We're strolling along Norton Street, Leichhardt (Sydney). 'Spotto!' mutters one of the younger dykes in our group. The rest of us smile in agreement. Yes, we have recognised a familiar, but we are not about to embarrass her with our acknowledgement.’

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Déjà vu : Participation à la manifestation « Let Women Speak » (Laissez les femmes s'exprimer)
Michael David Michael David

Déjà vu : Participation à la manifestation « Let Women Speak » (Laissez les femmes s'exprimer)

‘What’s the collective noun for a group of incels?’

That was what I asked my partner as we hurried away after the Let Women Speak event in Melbourne on 18 March 2023. The organisers had ended the event early. Later, they stated that police had told them the behaviour of the ‘trans rights activists’ made it too dangerous to continue.

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Nos Récits

Nous avons recueilli des témoignages de personnes appartenant à la communauté homosexuelle, afin de documenter et de préserver le caractère unique de notre histoire et de notre culture. Ces histoires sont désormais à votre portée.