Trouver son identité
A personal story about the struggles of adolescence and finding a place where you fit.
‘For those experiencing the emptiness of not knowing, of not seeing themselves or finding others to connect with, loneliness can be a strong motivator to latch onto an identity, even if it means silencing parts of yourself.’
La réalité d'une lesbienne
‘When I came out as a lesbian in the late 1980s and early 1990s I was welcomed into a thriving community of women. That community has helped and supported me through a range of life experiences, especially those experiences of exclusion that were prevalent at that time.’
Nos Récits
Nous avons recueilli des témoignages de personnes appartenant à la communauté homosexuelle, afin de documenter et de préserver le caractère unique de notre histoire et de notre culture. Ces histoires sont désormais à votre portée.